Friday, June 1, 2012

Czeching out...

Now that the season is officially over, it's crazy to think that in just a few days we will be leaving our sweet town of Prostejov, Czech Republic and heading back to our home in Phoenix!  It's exciting...yet bitter sweet.  One of the ironic things about living in a different city every year is that once you finally get used to the place you live and start really appreciating the great things about it (which usually happens as the weather gets warmer), it seems like its time to leave.

I think Travis would agree that we have really enjoyed living in Prostejov.  At times it was hard to appreciate the idea of living in a small town (again), where you understand nothing (as usual), and where most of the time time we lived here it was freezing cold (typical), but when it really gets down to it there is SO much beauty in this town and so many amazing people here that we have met.  We have made connections and friendships and had experiences with people that we will NEVER forget.  And that is what this experience is all about.

Things I will miss about Prostejov:

1. The beautiful town center

2. Sipping lattes, milkshakes and smoothies at our favorite outdoor cafes in the center

3.  Taking walks with Niko in the woods and to the park

4. Eating fresh strawberries from the market down the street

5. Potato pancakes and goulash (YUM)

6. Eating out for lunch for less than 8 bucks for the two of us

7. Being able to walk to the grocery store

8. Playing in the backyard of our apartment building with Travis and Niko

9. My awesome English students

10. Ice cream cones from Aida

All in all, I think we can honestly say this has been an experience we will never forget.  We don't know what the future holds for us, but we know that someday we will look back on this time in our lives and remember all the positive experiences we had here in Prostejov.  You never know...we might be coming back here sooner than we think.  "Never say never"...thats my motto!