Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Its crunch time!

Just wanted to update everyone on our situation right now.  Most of you might know that my husband is now playing for a team over in Spain.  That means that I am at home in Arizona and am now 37 (almost 38) weeks pregnant.  Its not been the easiest separation, I won't lie...but its a decision we made together that we felt was best for our family at this moment.

Travis playing in Santiago Spain

Our baby girl is healthy and I am healthy...we are blessed beyond belief!  We are so anxious to meet her soon.  Travis will get to come home for the birth (at least we hope the timing is right).  Of course it can't be perfectly planned, but we are praying that God allows him to be here at the perfect time.

I won't lie, its not been the easiest situation to be separated while I'm so far along in my pregnancy.  There's so much to do to prepare for a baby ....I don't think either of us fully understood until just recently.  So many decisions have to be made in such a short amount of time its quite overwhelming. There's so many things to think about as a first time parents...who will be our pediatrician? do we have the nursery prepared? What else do we need in the nursery?  bedding? rocker? changing table? do we have all the baby necessities?  What vaccines will she get?  Will I breastfeed? How do you breastfeed? What kind of diapers? Cloth diapers, regular diapers? Which ones?  Do we have all the essentials for the day of her birth?  Will we do blood cord banking? What kind of humidifier do we get?  How will I prepare for labor?  What car seat? How do you put together this car seat and stroller? ha!
ahhhhhh some days I feel like my head is going to completely explode with trying to answer all these questions.  Its definitely been crunch time since I've been home these past few weeks to answer and find everything we need.  I'm just trying to take it day by day and TRYing not to get overwhelmed and just enjoy the experience as much as possible.

On top of that I'm moving slower and slower and basic tasks are getting more difficult.  These last few weeks of pregnancy have been quite a struggle.  I have a pretty bad case of sciatica right now, which is incredibly painful at times and my belly is getting so HUGE --its insanely uncomfortable.  I'm not sure why but I don't think I ever expected it to be so uncomfortable ha! I was naive that is for sure!  I never knew rolling over in bed would become so difficult and hot baths would become my nightly routine (feels like heaven on the belly).  I definitely don't bend down much at all anymore and can't do basic chores and tasks around the house on my least not easily!  I'm thankful to have family and good friends close by to help out with SO much!  That has been a huge blessing.

I'm sure a lot of people think we are crazy to be separated at such a fragile time in our life.  I wanted to take a minute to talk about this because I know that some people really don't understand our lifestyle (My fellow basketball wives I'm sure can feel me on this topic).  I've had so many people ask me why we do this especially in these circumstances and don't understand.  Bottom line is that no one can understand unless you've been in our shoes.  And on top of that you really don't need to understand.  Just like people with so called "normal" jobs we are just making the decisions that we feel are best for our family.  No, its not easy all the time but we have learned that this is God's plan for our family and are grateful for all that he has provided us with.  

I'm definitely the type of person who doesn't like to ask for help and I don't like people feeling sorry for me or anything like that.  I think that has been the hardest part was for me to realize that its ok to ask people for help (thankfully my family usually just offers the help).  Everything happens for a reason.  We are overjoyed with the blessings we have and to be able to meet our sweet little girl very shortly!  I'm trying to enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy as much as possible.  I still can't believe she will be so soon!!  Wish me luck :)

I'm trying to remind myself that this is the easy part...once she is here my life will TOTALLY be flipped upside down.  But I'm so ready!