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The Progression |
I can remember a year or two ago thinking how scared I would be to get pregnant and go through that because I swear, the stories women tell are SUPER scary. They make pregnancy seem like its this awful thing that you have to go through to have a baby. But for me it honestly hasn't been that way. Every strange or painful occurrence is all part of a bigger plan and its all so worth it when I feel my baby girl moving around in there. It still feels like a little alien or something and it freaks me out, but I love it!
I'm 27 weeks now and this week has been an interesting one so far. I've begun to feel her kick me in the ribs and I can just tell that she is SO much bigger now. In just a matter of days it seems like she has grown all the way up into my rib cage. I can't even believe it! I have also been experiencing the most painful and somewhat crippling calf cramps! Every day this week I have woken up to the most painful paralyzing cramp that I have ever felt. I was actually limping for a couple hours after one incident yesterday because it was so painful afterward. Last week I didn't have leg cramps but my eyes were so dry they were burning...if its not one thing its another. But they are all small little parts of the whole journey. I don't know everything but I am learning something new every day so here's my tips for those of you who will have babies in the future....
10 Things I've learned so far about pregnancy SO FAR:
1. Don't expect pregnancy to be perfect.
I went into pregnancy thinking I would be able to do it all, but you just can't! You have to accept that you body is changing and there are things you can't do. .... But at the same time there's still a lot you CAN do. I don't like when people make me feel like I'm a crippled person. I hate when people tip toe around me or won't let me carry something just because I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant...AND healthy....I don't have some sort of heart condition or something haha
2. Weird things are gonna happen.
Seriously you never know what to expect with your hormones or your body. One minute you could be happy and the next you start crying in the middle of the grocery store. Or one minute you're eating a nice dinner and the next you get really dizzy and feel like your gonna pass out (that happened)! But its all just part of the change. I'm just getting used to weird things happening!
3. Eat .... A LOT!!!
I don't think I ever go more than one hour with out eating or at least snacking on something! That's also what has saved me from getting sick! Always keep food in your purse when you leave the house otherwise....BEWARE. If your belly is empty you will probably not feel great!
4. Always pee BEFORE you leave the house!
That one is no joke! I'm talking every 20 minutes some days. Make sure you go before you leave the house...like RIGHT before not 20 minutes before!
5. Talk to other pregnant women and new moms
I have been thankful to meet and talk to so many incredible women who have shared their birth experiences with me to help me be more prepared. Everyone is different, but its good to know how many different ways of going about pregnancy and labor there are so that you can be prepared for the best or for the worst.
6. Sleep is your best friend.
I've always enjoyed a good nights rest, but no joke I don't think I've ever slept as hard as I have during pregnancy. I can just tell that my body needs it!
7. If you're married, appreciate the little things your spouse does for you (and MILK IT HAHA)
I can't imagine having to do everything without my husband around during this pregnancy. We didn't see each other at all during my first trimester, which was not fun. And then he was injured and on crutches for 3 weeks recently and let me tell you it was SO much harder managing little tasks that he normally helps me with since I've been pregnant (carrying groceries, walking the dog 3 times a day, washing the dishes when I'm so exhausted I don't want to stand up, etc.) So I truly truly appreciate the moments when he is around and shows me that support. It really does make a big difference!! For all you ladies who don't have a significant other to help you during pregnancy I give you BIG props! Its not easy doing this alone.
8. Don't let little things overwhelm you or let people's opinions stress you out
Every woman will have a different experience during pregnancy. Take others advice, but always do what's in your heart. You know what's best for you and your baby!
9. Exercise
Not every day is going to be a good day, but when you feel up to it take advantage of it and get a workout in or get your body moving in some way. You will feel so much better! When you exercise normally you have more energy...its the same for pregnancy as well!
10. Smile and laugh a lot
I truly believe that your baby can feel your emotions, so remember when you're upset your baby might be too. I've noticed that when I'm relaxed and happy, so is she! Give him/her something to smile about and be happy :)
Those are my tips so far. I'm sure I'm going to learn a whole lot more along the way...so I'll keep you posted :)