Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ukraine and Babies...update on the Petersons!

So I finally decided it was time to start updating my blog again.  I've been on a long hiatus, but since things are getting interesting again and I have more time now I figured I might as well update everyone on our life!

So if you didn't know, Travis and I are currently in Ukraine.  He is playing for BC Goverla in Ivano-Frankisk, Ukraine.  This is his second season with this team.  I moved out here in October and have just been thankful to be with my hubby again full time.  Last year, I mostly stayed at our home  in Phoenix because I was honestly burnt out of traveling so much and not having a normal life.  I needed a break and to be able to work for myself for awhile, which I really haven't had the opportunity to do since he's been playing.  It was a good break for me and it made me realize what is really most important to me.  Over our time apart I came to the realization that the grass is always greener and that I need to enjoy the little things in life a bit more than I had been.  After a season being apart, I came to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter where we go, home is where my husband is.  Thats really what is most important.  So needless to say, I don't think we will be separated much at all in the future, which we are both happy about!

Niko likes Ukraine too!

Travis' season was going very well until he recently fractured his ankle in a game.  He was on crutches for 3 weeks, but is now back in the gym a little bit trying to strengthen.  He will hopefully get back on the court next week and he is ready!

Travis on the game program.  As the team's captain this photo is on posters all over the city here.

2013 was a good year for us and I think we both learned a lot.  Lots of exciting things happened in our family.  My sister got engaged, my brother got married.  Travis' grandparents moved closer to us in Phoenix.  We bought our first car together and made a lot of improvements to our house.  And what tops the list is that we found out that we are having a baby girl!!  Nothing can really compare to finding out the news that we were having our first child and are going be parents! I mean how crazy is that?  We are going to be responsible for another human life pretty soon...but we are so ready! We waited a long while to tell people after we found out in August because of a previous loss.  After that devastating experience we had last Spring, I was very skeptical and scared about how this one would turn out.  But God has truly blessed us, we have a healthy baby girl on the way and we couldn't be more grateful for this gift we have been given.  I am now 23 weeks along and feeling better than ever.

Its crazy to finally be able to feel the baby moving and kicking.  She is very active and I'm loving every second of being able to feel that---its really quite an amazing thing to experience :)  I've been lucky to have a somewhat easy pregnancy from what I hear.  I haven't had any morning sickness, just a little bit of nausea in the first trimester and of course exhaustion, which is normal.  Now that I'm in the second trimester I have been feeling amazing.  I really believe that staying active and trying to eat healthier has helped with my symptoms.  I'm a big believer in feeding your baby good food and that the healthier I am the healthier my baby will be, so I've been trying to stay active (within reason) and been eating clean (90% of the time haha).  I haven't had too many one point I was craving mandarins every night, but at least thats healthy.  And just recently I was craving a bagel with cream cheese, which is so strange cause I've never been a bagel person.  Thats the mystery of pregnancy I guess.

The bump at 19 weeks
21 weeks

We are so looking forward of what's to come in 2014, especially for the arrival of our baby girl :)  I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life.  I am learning to appreciate all the small wonders and joys in life and not take ANY second for granted.

We hope that you will follow our journey as we live overseas and transition into parenthood! One of my resolutions is to update my blog regularly, so I'm gonna make that happen!

Here's to 2014! Cheers from Ukraine
<3 Jackie


  1. I'm so happy for you Jackie! You're so inspiring! Keep it going!

  2. Thanks Rady!! Hope all is well with you :)
