Monday, February 27, 2012

Keeping up with the Petersons

Since everyone is blogging these days, Travis and I just decided that we should start our own blog up again, so here we are!  In the past we have not done a great job at keeping up with our blogs, but we are going to try our best to keep this one updated.  Sometimes being overseas makes it harder to keep in touch with people, so we hope this is a good way to let all our friends and family know what we are up to from time to time.

Just to catch everyone up that may not know, Travis and I are currently living in Prostejov, Czech Republic.  Travis is playing for BK Prostejov and we are really enjoying our time here.  It's a really cute little city on the East side of the country.  Prostejov is a small town, but it's actually a lot nicer and bigger than any other place we have lived so far in Europe.  We have movie theaters, shopping centers and good restaurants close by--so its a big step up from where we lived in Bulgaria.  The little things like that make a big difference for us.
Prostejov town center
Travis' team has been doing pretty well so far this season.  They are in second place in Czech league right now and have stayed pretty competitive throughout the season.  I have been teaching lots of English lessons, which has been pretty fun.  I've met a lot of nice people through my lessons and its been keeping me busy so I feel blessed to have this opportunity.

Other things that have happened this year...if you don't know.  We bought our first house in July out in Phoenix and we absolutely love it!  We are gearing up for this Summer so we can finally spend some real quality time in our house.  Travis left for the Czech in August so he wasn't able to spend as much time in our house at first, but we are so happy that we have a place to call home now.  I was lucky enough to spend about 5 months there while I was coaching volleyball, but I can't wait to get back.  Right now my wonderful sister-in-law, Kristen and her husband, Travis are holding down the fort for us!  We are ready for some good pool parties, lots of sun and DIY projects when we get back in June.   And Niko is ready to spend some time with his buddy Gunner too!!

We also had a great experience this year that we were able to share with my sister, Jordan and her boyfriend, Sloan.  They came to visit us in in December and we took an amazing trip where we spend time in Paris, Amsterdam and Prague.  It was a very memorable experience and we were so happy they could come out and travel with us.  Here's a few pics from the trip.
Arc de Triumph, Paris

St. Charles Bridge, Prague
So that is pretty much what we have been doing the past few months.  All in all we have had a great year so far and are very blessed to be where we are.  We hope this blog will give people a chance to catch up with us every once and a while.

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