Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Homeward Bound

I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow across the pond.  I'm flying home to see my family in Nashville and I can't wait!   First, I have to take a train at 6 am from Prostejov to Prague, which takes about 2 and a half hours and then I take the bus from the train station to the airport.  After that I get on my 9 hour and 15 minute flight to New York.  Luckily, I have a direct flight from Prague to New York, so it will make my travel a little bit easier and faster than usual.  It's going to be a long trip, but it will definitely be worth it.  Unfortunately, I will be making this trip alone because Travis has to work :(  He and Niko are sad that I'm leaving, but I'll only be gone for about 2 I think they will be ok! But I am sure going to miss them both!  Sometimes living out here can get a little monotonous after awhile when you don't have family and friends close to you or a whole lot going on, so this vacay is much needed for me.

For those of you that don't know my Mom had a minor stroke right after Christmas and has been recovering for the past couple of months.  I haven't been able to see her or my Dad since before it happened, so I really wanted to get home as soon as I could to show my support.  My Mom is recovering really well and I am thankful that I will be able to spend a couple of weeks with her!  I am also thankful that I am getting home for awhile at the perfect time for a spring break vacay to Florida.  Perfect timing on my part :)  We are taking a trip down to Mt. Dora, Florida right outside Orlando to see my Uncle at his beautiful B&B, The Adora Inn!  I can't wait for a little sunshine in my life.  It's going to be a fabulous trip!


  1. you kids and your international jet-setting! Hope you have a smooth trip home!

  2. When I first read the title of your post, I thought you meant Travis' season was over and you were both leaving - I was about to be really jealous! But I'm still envious that you get to go home! And jealous of you getting to go to Orlando - we miss it! I'm so sorry about your mom but glad she is recovering. Good luck on all your travels, I hope nothing gets delayed for you!
