Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Just to update everyone, I have been back in Czech now for two weeks.  I had an amazing time visiting my family in Franklin and taking a spring break trip to Florida, but now I'm back and trying to enjoy the rest of my time with here with Travis.  I'm not gonna lie, it was definitely hard for me to adjust coming back here after being at home for two weeks.  Not only is it hard to re-adjust to the 8 hr time change, but just getting back to day-to-day life was a bit of a challenge.  Life in general out here is at a much slower pace than back home, and once I got used to being busy and having activities and family and friends around me all the time, it makes life out here seem very dull.  Now that it's been two weeks I can definitely say I'm glad to be back though.  The weather has gotten a bit warmer, so thats a plus, and I'm especially glad to be back with Travis and Niko.  I think Easter is a great time for me to just remember Christ's resurrection and be thankful for all the wonderful blessings he has given us.  

On Friday, Travis' team finished the regular season with a win against Kolin.  They are officially in 2nd place in the Czech league and will start the playoffs next weekend!  I can't believe how close we are to the end of the season.  After the win, Travis was fortunate to have a couple of days off, so we were able to take a little road trip to Bratislava, Slovakia.  It was the first time we have had a chance to travel since the New Year, so we were excited to see a new city.  The weather wasn't great (a little rainy) so we weren't able to see everything we wanted, but we were able to walk around the castle where the President of Slovakia lives.  It's a huge castle up on a hill that overlooks the whole city, which was pretty cool.  We also ate some really good Brazilian food...who woulda thunk Slovakia would have Brazilian?  Here's a few pics from our trip.
Travis and I at the Slovakian Castle

 One of the courtyards at the castle.  We were surprised at how little security there was considering the President lives there.
overlooking the city of Bratislava


Super creepy... we saw this outside a house in Bratislava.

We really enjoyed our time in Bratislava and we decided we will have to go back when the weather is nicer and explore some more.

Today we spent time in Prostejov and took a walk down by the river with Niko.  He was a very happy dog!

Even though we weren't able to spend our Easter Sunday with family and friends we still feel very blessed to be together and be where we are.  We wish everyone a Happy Easter!    

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